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Saturday, June 19, 2010

The "chicks"

Yes they're grown but to me they'll always be my chicks.  Just like my daughters.

Audrey III and friends

My garden has been taken over and largely destroyed by killer gourd vines.  I finally yanked them all out the other day but not before they overran everything that was trying to grow - which wasn't much, in fact.  Naturally the zucchini is growing apace; and the winter squash will be fine, I guess.  The peanuts died, the peas died, the beets didn't grow...corn is still coming up and it looks like the potatoes might do something yet.  Basil is great.  But not the bounty I was expecting, by a long shot.

In the upper garden, the tomato plants are getting very tall but very few flowers and so far no baby tomatoes.  I know we have crummy soil but I composted the heck out of it and if there's one thing I'm proud of, it's my compost.  So I don't know what the problem is.  Very discouraging; especially compared to Kim's perfect garden.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Garlic harvest

Mid June is the time to harvest soft-neck garlics that were planted in mid October in Pasadena. We're looking forward to cooking with them. We have 4 types purchased from Seed Savers. So, I found a video on how to braid garlics and each braid is one type and labeled. Maybe we'll be able to tell the difference by October and choose which ones to plant for next year. Also, at the rate Mark uses the garlic I think I'll have to find room for more next year. I planted about 50 cloves last year.